How to Hustle Like a CEO Minus the Burnout

For workaholics who don’t believe in work-life balance

Krista Mollion
6 min readNov 1, 2020
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

People who achieve success definitely don’t practice work-life balance. Talent, luck, timing, and connections can contribute but one thing is certain: they work a lot. I don’t mean forty-hour workweeks. Try more like sixty or more hours.

Let’s look at the work habits of some of the greatest achievers in different areas: Elon Musk, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Kobe Bryant, Jeff Bezos, Lady Gaga, Vanessa Williams, and Meryl Streep. What do they all have in common? They work a very high number of hours and they have sacrificed much of their private lives to get to where they are.

In an interview, Bill Gates said that company founders should not take vacations in the early years of the business.

Mark Zuckerburg famously wears the same clothes as a uniform to save his energy to focus on his company.

Jeff Bezos openly talks about his work ethics to build Amazon that includes long work hours.

According to research released by The Huffington Post, people spend 13 years of their life working. In fact, it takes second place after sleeping. We work more than we eat, exercise, love, or relax. Work is life. Or is it? And should it be? Is working a lot an…



Krista Mollion

Ex-Agency Owner For Top Iconic Brands Turned Fractional CMO + Educator for Small Business Owners and Creators To Go From Semi-Invisible To Un-Ignorable